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From ‘Quiet Luxury’ to ‘Mob Wife’: How Social Media is Shifting Style

How has social media changed our relationship with our clothing? The pervasive influence of social media extends into every corner of our lives, impacting how...

A brief history of women's suiting

Who wears the pants: the early days In our exploration of the evolution of both women’s suiting and the varied laws around women's clothing, we delve into a f...


Happy New Year! Is it too late to say that? Sorry, Larry. We actually post this on the lesser known ‘Quitter’s Day...

On Overconsumption

As your credit card recovers from its holiday hangover, now's the time to really think about how we consume. We promise the ‘boxing day’ sales can wait–they’v...

How to winterize your work wardrobe

As yet another winter snow advisory rolls through the GTA, and there will undoubtedly be more to come, we thought now would be as good a time as any to addres...

Why Impostor?

Impostor, as in Impostor Syndrome? Well, yes. But far from just a tongue-in-cheek reference to the phenomenon, woven into the identity of Impostor is the idea...